Christmas Rally 2023

Published 20:37 on 5 Dec 2023
The 2023 Christmas rally on 2nd & 3rd December was a smaller than expected affair but still kicked off the Christmas season with a bang. Thick fog meant visibility at sea was less than a couple of boat lengths so most boats chose not to attempt to sail across the Solent; then the cancellation of the RedJet meant that crews couldn't even join the party by ferry. However four boats did manage to make the journey and were joined by crews from a couple of Cowes-based boats and another who had opted for earlier travel before the fog set in! A convival pre-dinner drink was had onboard Coric (as the pontoon party supplies of mulled wine and mince pies were stranded at the RedJet terminal) and all admired the excellent decorations - although mostly from the mainland via the event WhatsApp group.
The Island Sailing Club once again put together an excellent meal (or so I am told) and the select group told jokes into the evening. The winner of the 'Best decorated Contessa' was awarded to Zoe & Guy Darby on Ripple of Kyle for their stunning display of lights and a real Christmas tree on the foredeck!
The pontoon party supplies have been put into storage and we hope we can arrange re-run before the Cruising dinner in February. (AP over 2 months??)
Thanks go to Jo Clatworthy for her excellent organisation and to the Island Sailing Club for their excellent hospitality in the circumstances.
Photo Credit: Mark Dence
Last updated 11:37 on 19 January 2025